How to Move Home or Office Better?

Local Removal Quote
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What you need to know when using a local removal Gold Coast  



FAQ About Your Local Movers Gold Coast To Brisbane.
Will my truck be big enough for my local removal? Your truck is guaranteed to be big enough for your local removal. If we have to make a second trip because the truck was too small, the extra travel time is free of charge. This is called our “One Truck One Trip Guarantee”.   How do I know my movers will be professional? All of our removalists are qualified to the high standard of our Australian Removal Quality System giving you peace of mind of a high-quality removal.   Can I help with the move? Yes. The more you help, the faster the move will go. This doesn’t mean you are required to lift anything. Simply by being organised, you can save a lot of time and therefore money (see our ‘Moving Secrets’). You can do as much or as little as you wish, it’s your call! For occupational health and safety reasons, we cannot have customers in the back of our trucks.   Do you move pianos, pool tables, spa pools, fish tanks? Yes. Moving large single items can be a specialised service. It is for this reason that we need to be made aware of these requirements upon booking your removal. This may require more than 2 men and therefore a new hourly rate will be quoted for you.   Is there a cancellation fee? No. All local removal bookings are 100% obligation free.   How much notice is required to book? It is best to book 2 weeks in advance to have the best chance of availability for your removal day. The minimum notice required is 24 hours.   When do I pay for my for my move? Full payment for the removal is required on completion of your removal to the driver.   What payment methods do you accept for my move? Each of our trucks carries a portable EFTPOS machine giving you the choice to pay by EFTPOS or cash. When do I pay for my packing materials? When ordering online or upon delivery of packing materials   What payment methods do you accept for my packing materials? You can purchase your packing materials using our quick & easy online Box Shop and pay by credit card or you can place your order over the phone and pay by credit card or EFTPOS at delivery.   Is there a minimum purchase for the free carton delivery? No. You can order a roll of tape or 1000 boxes. No delivery charge- EVER How is the local removal time calculated? The minimum charge time is 2 hours. The final time is calculated in increments of 15 minutes. We only charge travel time when your pick up or delivery address is outside of the Gold Coast area.   Do I need insurance for my local home or office move? It is illegal for us to provide you with accidental breakage or truck accident insurance as part of the hourly rate charge. It is for this reason that it is up to you to organise your own insurance. Please be aware of any removalists that attempts this – be very aware! If you are in ANY doubt please feel free to contact us.   Can you pack my cartons for me? Yes. Our team are experienced packers. Just let us know prior to the removal so we can allow enough time for the pack as well as the removal. The packing is simply charged at the same hourly rate. Supply of packing material is an additional charge.
What you need to know: Any removal company operating in Australia cannot arrange or advise on any form of insurance cover unless they hold an Australian Financial Services licence or they are an authorised representative of a licensee. This is designed to protect the consumer from a false representation of insurance coverage when they are using a professional removalist. Even though our removalists take a great deal of care with your furniture, accidents can happen both when handling your furniture and during transportation. We recommend that if you have items that you would like to insure, you need to organise this with an insurance broker. The following is a link to an insurance broker that can offer you removal insurance: If you have been offered insurance by a removalist without them referring you to a licensed broker, even if it is “free transit insurance”, you can see if they are an authorised representative of a licensee by looking for their name on the Australian Securities & Investments Commission website: Remember this: If it’s not really insurance, it’s not worth anything!  

Packing Guide

To pack or not to pack Any item that will actually fit into a box should be packed into a box. This will make it easier to transport and stack into the removal van. It will also give your items the best protection, reducing the risk of damage. Select the right carton for the job Big Box: Ideal for glassware, crockery, clothes and bulky items Small Box: Ideal for books, bottles and small heavy items How to tape the box
  • Start tape 5cm on the side of the box from where the flaps fold, continue across where the flaps meet in the middle and finish 5cm along the other side of the box
  • Cross tape the bottom of the box for extra strength
  • Make sure top of box is taped shut so it is suitable to stack other boxes on top of it
How to pack crockery & glassware
  • Place a good layer of screwed up butchers paper across the bottom of the box and up the sides of the box as high as the first row of items
  • Individually wrap items in butcher’s paper and place in box to form the first row
  • On top of this layer of wrapped items, place another layer of screwed up butchers paper and up the sides of the box
  • Continue layering the items wrapped in butcher’s paper between layers of crushed butcher’s paper, working up from the heavier items at the bottom to the lighter, finer items on the top
  • Rule of thumb: one carton should have two-thirds China, one-third padding.
  • Plates are strongest when they are placed on their side, not laid flat
  • Cups & glasses are strongest when they are placed on their end, upside down
How to pack books, tapes & CDs
  • Books & CD’s can usually be placed into small boxes without the need for extra padding
  • Make sure that if you place heavy items into a big box that it is mixed with lighter items so you can still lift the box
How to pack electrical appliances
  • Always pack electrical items into their original box if you still have it
  • Place all items that will fit into a removal box, even if the item is also in its original box
  • Wrap items with butchers paper to avoid them being scratched by other items in the box
How to label boxes
  • Label each carton with your name, what room it is for and a brief description of its’ contents so you know where to put the carton when you get to your new house
  • Write these details on the tape so you can use your cartoons over and over again
How to prepare items with keys or cords
  • Tape cords to their appliances
  • Keys should always be taped to the items to which they belong
How to pack your survival kit
  • Passports, birth certificates, prescription medicine and other essential items should be packed into the one box so it can be accessed quickly & easily
  • If possible, transport this box with you in your car so that you know where it is at all times
  • It is also good to have a quick start box that has essentials to make you comfortable in your new home straight away. These items include a kettle, toaster, telephone, coffee, plates & cups, snacks and the TV remote control.

Moving Check List

Book NOW! ¨ Book your removalists so you don’t miss out on your preferred date ¨ Order boxes and get packing straight away as packing always takes longer than you think, and often you need more boxes than you first thought! ¨ Book your storage facility (if required) so you don’t miss out on availability ¨ Book a professional cleaner (if required) to make sure they are available for your move date ¨ Book the lift if you are moving to or from a high rise apartment ¨ Book your babysitter/friend/family if you have young children as this will allow you to lend an extra hand on the removal day (or you can leave everything up to your removalist) Your removal experience will be much less stressful by simply booking the services you will require as soon as possible. Arrange Notification ¨ Schedule the redirection of your mail for the move date just in-case you forget to tell someone important you have moved ¨ Arrange to have your telephone, internet, pay TV, gas and electricity disconnected and reconnected at the new home ¨ Notify your insurance services (such as car, home and health) of your new address before you move as this may be a requirement of your insurance policy to remain valid The day before your removal ¨ Use everything in the fridge & freezer leading up to your move day or organise an Esky and enough ice so your food lasts until your fridge is up and running ¨ Have the freezer already defrosted if it is not a frost-free freezer as a defrosting freezer during a removal can equal water everywhere ¨ Prepare your survival kit: Passports, birth certificates, prescription medicine and other essential items should be packed into the one box so it can be accessed quickly & easily ¨ Prepare your quick start box that has essentials to make you comfortable in your new home straight away. These items include a kettle, toaster, telephone, coffee, plates & cups, snacks and the TV remote control. ¨ Have some large boxes already assembled so you can put your bed sheets in them when you wake up on the day of the move ¨ Have a box of clean & ready to go bed sheets for your first night in your new ¨ Dismantle larger furniture if required (or leave it to your removalist). Put all bolts, brackets & screws in a labelled and sealed bag, then stick it firmly to the underside or in a drawer of the item they belong to. ¨ Dismantle outdoor furniture including trampoline, swing set and tables The more that you do prior to the removal the faster and therefore the cheaper your removal will be Moving Day ¨ Congratulations, because you are organised there is not much for you to do! If you feel up to it, you can assist your removalist with lighter items that you know you can safely lift, making the removal take less time. ¨ If possible, group all of your boxes and easy to carry items in one spot out of the way, but within easy access to your front door. This is particularly time-saving if you have items upstairs or a long distance from the entrance of your house. It is said that moving house is the third most stressful thing you can do. Tick everything that applies to you on this list- and you won’t know what the fuss is all about!  
Please note: If packing is done right it will save you time & money on your move.
The more items packed into a carton, the easier & quicker the removal will be. The removal will be even faster if the cartons have the appropriate amount of heavy & light items in them so they can be easily carried. If you pack your cartons properly it will also reduce the risk of damage to your items.

Terms and Conditions

Click here to download Terms and Conditions to your Local Removal on the Gold Coast
Packing Guide
To pack or not to pack Any item that will actually fit into a box should be packed into a box. This will make it easier to transport and stack into the removal van. It will also give your items the best protection, reducing the risk of damage. Select the right carton for the job Big Box: Ideal for glassware, crockery, clothes and bulky items Small Box: Ideal for books, bottles and small heavy items How to tape the box
  • Start tape 5cm on the side of the box from where the flaps fold, continue across where the flaps meet in the middle and finish 5cm along the other side of the box
  • Cross tape the bottom of the box for extra strength
  • Make sure top of box is taped shut so it is suitable to stack other boxes on top of it
How to pack crockery & glassware
  • Place a good layer of screwed up butchers paper across the bottom of the box and up the sides of the box as high as the first row of items
  • Individually wrap items in butcher’s paper and place in box to form the first row
  • On top of this layer of wrapped items, place another layer of screwed up butchers paper and up the sides of the box
  • Continue layering the items wrapped in butcher’s paper between layers of crushed butcher’s paper, working up from the heavier items at the bottom to the lighter, finer items on the top
  • Rule of thumb: one carton should have two-thirds China, one-third padding.
  • Plates are strongest when they are placed on their side, not laid flat
  • Cups & Glasses are strongest when they are placed on their end, upside down
How to pack books, tapes & CDs
  • Books & CD’s can usually be placed into small boxes without the need for extra padding
  • Make sure that if you place heavy items into a big box that it is mixed with lighter items so you can still lift the box
How to pack electrical appliances
  • Always pack electrical items into their original box if you still have it
  • Place all items that will fit into a removal box, even if the item is also in its original box
  • Wrap items with butchers paper to avoid them being scratched by other items in the box
How to label boxes
  • Label each carton with your name, what room it is for and a brief description of its’ contents so you know where to put the carton when you get to your new house
  • Write these details on the tape so you can use your cartoons over and over again
How to prepare items with keys or cords
  • Tape cords to their appliances
  • Keys should always be taped to the items to which they belong
How to pack your survival kit
  • Passports, birth certificates, prescription medicine and other essential items should be packed into the one box so it can be accessed quickly & easily
  • If possible, transport this box with you in your car so that you know where it is at all times
  • It is also good to have a quick start box that has essentials to make you comfortable in your new home straight away. These items include a kettle, toaster, telephone, coffee, plates & cups, snacks and the TV remote control.

Moving Check List

Book NOW! ¨ Book your removalist so you don’t miss out on your preferred date ¨ Order boxes and get packing straight away as packing always takes longer than you think, and often you need more boxes than you first thought! ¨ Book your storage facility (if required) so you don’t miss out on availability ¨ Book a professional cleaner (if required) to make sure they are available for your move date ¨ Book the lift if you are moving to or from a high rise apartment ¨ Book your babysitter/friend/family if you have young children as this will allow you to lend an extra hand on the removal day (or you can leave everything up to your removalist) Your removal experience will be much less stressful by simply booking the services you will require as soon as possible Arrange Notification ¨ Schedule the redirection of your mail for the move date just in-case you forget to tell someone important you have moved ¨ Arrange to have your telephone, internet, pay TV, gas and electricity disconnected and reconnected at the new home ¨ Notify your insurance services (such as car, home and health) of your new address before you move as this may be a requirement of your insurance policy to remain valid The day before your removal ¨ Use everything in the fridge & freezer leading up to your move day or organise an Esky and enough ice so your food lasts until your fridge is up and running ¨ Have the freezer already defrosted if it is not a frost-free freezer as a defrosting freezer during a removal can equal water everywhere ¨ Prepare your survival kit: Passports, birth certificates, prescription medicine and other essential items should be packed into the one box so it can be accessed quickly & easily ¨ Prepare your quick start box that has essentials to make you comfortable in your new home straight away. These items include a kettle, toaster, telephone, coffee, plates & cups, snacks and the TV remote control. ¨ Have some large boxes already assembled so you can put your bed sheets in them when you wake up on the day of the move ¨ Have a box of clean & ready to go bed sheets for your first night in your new ¨ Dismantle larger furniture if required (or leave it to your removalist). Put all bolts, brackets & screws in a labelled and sealed bag, then stick it firmly to the underside or in a drawer of the item they belong to. ¨ Dismantle outdoor furniture including trampoline, swing set and tables The more that you do prior to the removal the faster and therefore the cheaper your removal will be Moving Day ¨ Congratulations, because you are organised there is not much for you to do! If you feel up to it, you can assist your removalist with lighter items that you know you can safely lift, making the removal take less time. ¨ If possible, group all of your boxes and easy to carry items in one spot out of the way, but within easy access to your front door. This is particularly time-saving if you have items upstairs or a long distance from the entrance of your house. It is said that moving house is the third most stressful thing you can do. Tick everything that applies to you on this list- and you won’t know what the fuss is all about!  
Please note: If packing is done right it will save you time & money on your local Removal Gold Coast
The more items packed into a carton, the easier & quicker the removal will be. The removal will be even faster if the cartons have the appropriate amount of heavy & light items in them so they can be easily carried. If you pack your cartons properly it will also reduce the risk of damage to your items.

Terms and Conditions

Click here to download Terms and Conditions to your Local Removal on the Gold Coast
Moving Check List
Book NOW! ¨ Book your removalist so you don’t miss out on your preferred date ¨ Order boxes and get packing straight away as packing always takes longer than you think, and often you need more boxes than you first thought! ¨ Book your storage facility (if required) so you don’t miss out on availability ¨ Book a professional cleaner (if required) to make sure they are available for your move date ¨ Book the lift if you are moving to or from a high rise apartment ¨ Book your babysitter/friend/family if you have young children as this will allow you to lend an extra hand on the removal day (or you can leave everything up to your removalist) Your removal experience will be much less stressful by simply booking the services you will require as soon as possible Arrange Notification ¨ Schedule the redirection of your mail for the move date just in-case you forget to tell someone important you have moved ¨ Arrange to have your telephone, internet, pay TV, gas and electricity disconnected and reconnected at the new home ¨ Notify your insurance services (such as car, home and health) of your new address before you move as this may be a requirement of your insurance policy to remain valid The day before your removal ¨ Use everything in the fridge & freezer leading up to your move day or organise an Esky and enough ice so your food lasts until your fridge is up and running ¨ Have the freezer already defrosted if it is not a frost-free freezer as a defrosting freezer during a removal can equal water everywhere ¨ Prepare your survival kit: Passports, birth certificates, prescription medicine and other essential items should be packed into the one box so it can be accessed quickly & easily ¨ Prepare your quick start box that has essentials to make you comfortable in your new home straight away. These items include a kettle, toaster, telephone, coffee, plates & cups, snacks and the TV remote control. ¨ Have some large boxes already assembled so you can put your bed sheets in them when you wake up on the day of the move ¨ Have a box of clean & ready to go bed sheets for your first night in your new ¨ Dismantle larger furniture if required (or leave it to your removalist). Put all bolts, brackets & screws in a labelled and sealed bag, then stick it firmly to the underside or in a drawer of the item they belong to. ¨ Dismantle outdoor furniture including trampoline, swing set and tables The more that you do prior to the removal the faster and therefore the cheaper your removal will be Moving Day ¨ Congratulations, because you are organised there is not much for you to do! If you feel up to it, you can assist your removalist with lighter items that you know you can safely lift, making the removal take less time. ¨ If possible, group all of your boxes and easy to carry items in one spot out of the way, but within easy access to your front door. This is particularly time-saving if you have items upstairs or a long distance from the entrance of your house. It is said that moving house is the third most stressful thing you can do. Tick everything that applies to you on this list- and you won’t know what the fuss is all about!  
Please note: If packing is done right it will save you time & money on your local Removal Gold Coast
The more items packed into a carton, the easier & quicker the removal will be. The removal will be even faster if the cartons have the appropriate amount of heavy & light items in them so they can be easily carried. If you pack your cartons properly it will also reduce the risk of damage to your items.

Terms and Conditions

Click here to download Terms and Conditions to your Local Removal on the Gold Coast
Terms and Conditions
Click here to download Terms and Conditions to your Local Removal on the Gold Coast